Wednesday 4 February 2015

Stephen Harper Jest

In this Project I explored Photoshop's "selective" process which targets a certain mass of a image and allows me to work with it. In this project, the mass would be Stephen Harper; the prime minister of Canada, and I am to use the selective option to make a jest about him. First I must find a image of Stephen Harper,which is provided for me by Rick Mercer photo challenge. Then I used to selective tools (quick select) to create a mask for that image. The mask allows me to cover up to rest of the image with black, while I still remain in possession of the unmasked portion; in this case it would be Stephen Harper. Then I can define the unmasked portion better and fix any small outlining problems using the refine edge tool. This would allow me to shape the mask to better fit the mass I would like to work on. There may be some transparency with the image but I would fix that by duplicating that layer, and them merging it together. Then I would use the magic wand to fine tune the mass, by adding those unwanted pixels to the mask. When I am finally finished, the product would be an outlined Stephen Harper, and I can creatively put him on another image. 

In my image, I wanted to make a reference to valentine's Day, and took advantage of Stephen Harper's Facial expression. Thus the jest about him boosting to the audience; behind Victoria's secret model showcase event. If you are smart, the quote " I get more girls by accident than Obama does on purpose" is an allusion to another topic. An American president, Richard Nixon said this quote; not to Obama, but J.F Kennedy. Apparently during that time, there was rumors going on about how J.F Kennedy "got" more girls than Nixon. Nixon got envious, and thus it was the creation of this quote. I used white color to paint the font to fit in with the brightness of the background image. Photoshop's typing tools allows me to execute those styles of font. Overall, this project was a great learning experience of using the selective process, as well as exploring with font. 

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